


1930年7月19日- 12月. 2, 2023

The Harvey Mudd College community mourns the loss of 考特尼科尔曼, 受人爱戴的数学名誉教授, 12月12日去世. 2023年2月,享年93岁. Coleman joined the College in 1959 as an assistant professor of mathematics, arriving from Wesleyan University 在哪里 he previously served as a faculty member. 在哈维·马德任职期间, Coleman served as chair of the Department of Mathematics and as chair of the faculty.

科尔曼只得了B.A. (1951)毕业于加州大学伯克利分校.A. (1953年),普林斯顿大学博士(1955年). He was a member of the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematics Association of America and the Board of Editors of the serial “Contributions to Differential Equations.在他的书中, 太阳2平台:第一个二十年, Founding President Joseph Platt mentions Coleman’s years of distinguished service. 每年秋天,Courtney S. Coleman Prize is given to rising junior students who have demonstrated excellence in math.

“Courtney was my favorite professor at Harvey Mudd and a real inspiration to me,74岁的Rich Zucker说, 科尔曼以前的学生. “I will always remember him with affection and enormous gratitude for the difference he made in my life. When I lived in South Dorm during my first year at Mudd, his office was just a few steps away from my room. 我们经常聊天. He was a wonderful, wonderful man, and I feel his loss deeply.”

Coleman was honored by the College in 1993 with the Henry T. Mudd Prize (he was the second recipient) to honor his outstanding service.

In addition to excellence in teaching and leadership, Coleman wrote and co-authored many publications. Along with the late Robert Borrelli, a fellow mathematics professor, Coleman co-authored 微分方程:一个建模的视角, a textbook used in many advanced math courses at the College and the basis of later-published books in differential equations. Coleman and Borrelli also co-authored several papers, including A Project Approach in Differential Equations Courses, to introduce independent study projects into math courses, particularly those involving differential equations. In 1997, Coleman retired and was honored as a Harvey Mudd professor emeritus, and the Harvey Mudd Alumni Association named him an Honorary Alumnus. He continued to teach courses at the College into the early 2000s.

“1989年我加入数学系的时候, 考特尼·科尔曼是我的榜样之一,阿特·本杰明说。, associate chair and Smallwood Family Professor of Mathematics. “He was beloved by students and faculty for his wonderful teaching, 他对每个人的友善和尊重. 我会非常想念他的.”

Lisette de Pillis, mathematics professor and Norman F. 小斯普拉格. 生命科学教授, joined Harvey Mudd in 1993 and is grateful for the opportunity to have observed Coleman interact with his colleagues and students for many years. “Courtney was a positive influence, kind and cheerful, and a well-liked teacher,” she says.

科尔曼夫妇, 茱莉亚, were longtime donors and supporters of Harvey Mudd’s scholarships, 支持数学的项目和基金. Coleman was preceded in death by 茱莉亚 Coleman who died in 2012. 他身后留下三个孩子, 大卫·科尔曼, 玛格丽特·科尔曼和戴安·张, 七个孙子, 还有六个曾孙.