哈丽雅特·B. 内姆哈德的就职演说


敬我们尊敬的董事会主席吉姆·宾, 我们的受托人, 前总统克拉维和施特劳斯, 尊敬的各位代表, 学生, 教师, staff; honored guests, 校友, 父母, friends; and descendants of the founders and prior leaders of the college, 在这一天,向你致以衷心的问候.

我很高兴能和你们一起建设一个更强大的太阳2平台. 当我们一起踏上新的篇章, 我们有必要停下来反思一下塑造了我们深爱的机构的价值观. Harvey Mudd College is renowned for delivering a liberal arts education through a focus on the STEM disciplines. 我们致力于不断创造和分享能够引发积极变化的解决方案, drawing inspiration not only from the legacy of our past—but also from the limitless potential of our future endeavors.

致七位总统,加比·斯达总统, 希兰Chodosh, 艾米Marcus-Newhall, 斯特罗姆查克, Len Jessup和Shelly Schuster, 并致先生. 斯蒂格Lanesskog, thank you for your partnership as Harvey Mudd College continues to live up to the promise of The Claremont Group Plan. 我期待有机会合作, 整合我们共享的知识,为所有人创造更光明的未来. 我能走到今天,多亏了一个奇妙的村庄,我必须感谢它.

第一个, 我要感谢我的好丈夫, 大卫, who has been a true partner in composing and cultivating a meaningful life; as well as our amazing children, 奥利维亚, 娜奥米和夏洛特, from whom I continue to learn so much; and our delightful grandson Kai who is joy in motion. 我们是超级六人组. 我感谢我的大家庭,尤其是我的兄弟, 迈克尔黑, who is here as a delegate for Fort Valley State University—an HBCU where our grandmother was its very first graduate in 1941; my uncle, 哈罗德·黑, who is here as a delegate for the University of Georgia where he was one of its first black 学生 to graduate in 1966; and my sister-in-law Ashley and cousins Janice, 菲利斯和厄尔, 谁是克莱姆森的代表, 塔斯基吉, 乔治亚州立和霍华德大学.

今天, 我以一体的姿态来到你面前, 但我站在万人之列,因为我站在许多祖先的肩膀上. 在今天向我微笑的众多祖先中,有我的母亲和父亲, 海伦和查尔斯, 还有他们的父母, 南希,麦克,哈丽特和埃尔德雷德. 我知道他们的精神和他们的教诲每天都与我同在. 今天,我知道他们为此感到骄傲. None would be prouder than my mother—who helped me move-in to my Claremont McKenna dorm room in Phillips Hall. 她对我的信任是无限的.

我是在我的科学研讨课老师Mrs. 亚利桑那州凤凰城Camelback高中的贾斯特斯说. 至少在我毕业十年之后,我才意识到. 放学后,J用她自己的时间和钱为我们这些挂钥匙的孩子保持科学实验室的开放. 她是一位真正优秀的教师. I am glad that I had the opportunity in adulthood to express my gratitude to her before she too joined the ancestors.

最后, 我要对我所有的朋友说声“谢谢”,尤其是那些我16岁时在CMC认识的朋友, 以及我在学术生涯中遇到的人. 我特别感谢我的导师们, 的同事们, 合作者, 感谢我以前的学生们对我作为一名太阳2平台和一名工程师的成长所做出的宝贵贡献.

太阳2平台于1957年9月迎来了第一批学生, when 48 学生 and seven 教师 came together to start a college that would emphasize the humanistic aspects of technology. 我们的创始人认为,“脱离人性的技术比没有技术更糟糕。,以及我们的第一任总统, 约瑟夫·普拉特, wanted the College’s curriculum to provide an emphasis on “science with a conscience” in order to educate leaders who understand the impact of their work on society. 尽管我们作为一所大学的年龄相对较短, there has been tremendous intellectual wealth accumulated for the world as Harvey Mudd has carried out its mission.

尽管我们作为一所大学的年龄相对较短, there has been tremendous intellectual wealth accumulated for the world as Harvey Mudd has carried out its mission.

我们毕业生的贡献产生了深远的影响, from technological innovations that power database systems and store data in the cloud to sustainability practices that turn industrial waste gas into biofuels. 我们的校友正在努力消除疫苗可预防的儿童死亡, advancing health care and science advocacy and providing expertise to help fight tropical eye diseases. 他们正在推进自动驾驶汽车领域的发展. They have revolutionized the wine industry and have contributed to the field of gamma ray astrophysics. 泥人是歌剧演唱家, 他们制作了获得托尼奖的百老汇戏剧和广受欢迎的詹姆斯·邦德电影.

从早期开始, 太阳2平台有开发和分享创新教学方法的传统. 自1963年成立以来, 学院的诊所项目一直是我们教育方法的基石. 这个开创性的模型已经成为工程的标准, 全国各地的数学和科学学校. 今天, the 诊所 Program allows Harvery Mudd 学生 to collaborate with peers from across the Claremont Colleges, 谁一起应对一些最紧迫的挑战. 我们的学生开发了新颖的医疗设备, improved safety for space science experiments and designed interventions to address environmental and social determinants of COVID-19.

哈维·马德社区在加强多样性、公平和包容方面取得了长足进步. 多亏了BRAID这样的项目, 由名誉退休总统玛丽亚·克拉维发起, 学院的女学生从2004年的30%增加到今天的50%, 有色人种学生的比例从2010年的8%上升到今天的29%.

每一天,我们都在继续努力实现包容性卓越. 在这些以及其他许多大大小小的方面,我们的校友, 我们的教学方法, 我们的项目对我们的世界产生了巨大的影响. 现在,我们展望未来. 在担任太阳2平台校长的头八个月里,我一直在与我们的社区进行对话. 它开始于我们围绕与社区联系和展望未来的许多会议. 从这些谈话中,我对哈维·马德未来的设想——我们的设想——形成了基础.

我担任总统的基石之一是坚定地致力于营造健康的环境. 拥抱思想的多样性, of background and of experience is not just a goal; it’s an imperative. 优先股票, 包容和归属感创造了一个不同背景的人都能茁壮成长的环境. 每个人的幸福都很重要, 我们必须确保每个人都觉得自己是校园社区的一部分. 在我们上一次重新认证期间所做的工作为我们的学生探索了关键问题, 教师和工作人员的工作量, 心理健康和保健. 这些不仅仅是学生成功的支柱, 也为我们的教职员工的持续成功而自豪. 为当今最紧迫的挑战开发创新解决方案是一个值得称赞的目标, 但同时也是一项巨大的责任. We must find ways as a community to address the stresses of that responsibility in a more holistic way. Each of us must prioritize mental health and well-being so that we can better ensure all members of our community have the resilience and strength needed to excel.

我的愿景是,我们一起培养出既擅长STEM又擅长生活的学生. 我们必须建立模型. 通过加强和展示我们对彼此福祉的承诺, 通过提供空间和优雅的呼吸和重组, 我们加强了共同履行使命的能力.

通过加强和展示我们对彼此福祉的承诺, 通过提供空间和优雅的呼吸和重组, 我们加强了共同履行使命的能力.

Our path toward fulfilling our mission will be amplified by cultivating in our 学生 the 勇气 to examine their values and bet on their impactful ideas to meet what the world needs. 今年夏天, 例如, 我们将推出飞船工作室, a program that will support a cohort of Harvey Mudd 学生 in developing entrepreneurial solutions which address societal needs and grand challenges. 学生 will be advised by a Harvey Mudd 教师 member knowledgeable in the focus area; they will develop the foundational skills necessary to explore the viability of their ideas and learn to evaluate entrepreneurial endeavors by their impacts on the planet and its people.

当我们考虑这个星球时, we are actively recruiting 教师 to create programs of study where our 学生 can pursue a joint education in one of our existing majors plus climate studies. This new approach will ensure that our program reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the climate crisis facing our world. It will equip our 学生 to harness their chosen field of study toward meaningful climate solutions and responsible innovation. We are grateful to the many incredible 教师 and staff who have contributed to developing this innovative program.

我们感谢许多理事, 校友, 为这一努力付出的父母和朋友们. Your generosity continues to power Harvey Mudd College’s long tradition of excellence in liberal arts STEM education to meet the needs of society. I look forward to our joint efforts to strengthen our campus community and foster a healthy environment while providing our 学生 with the tools they need to shape the future.

当我回顾这所伟大的大学的历史和我在这里的头几个月, I want to share that I have been immensely inspired by the incredible talent and dedication within this community. 我们的教师致力于示范性教学和前沿研究, 我们学生的求知欲, 我们的员工付出了令人难以置信的努力,凸显了我们的奉献精神, 太阳2平台的辉煌和活力. 作为一个社区,我们的使命和愿景是我们的指路明灯. They encapsulate our commitment to providing an outstanding STEM education while nurturing well-rounded individuals who are not only adept in their fields but also possess the skills and empathy to make a meaningful impact. 在我们历史上的这一时刻,我们聚集在一起,反思我们的过去,梦想我们的未来, I am filled with hope and excitement for the boundless possibilities–knowing that we are worthy of special endeavors.

在我们历史上的这一时刻,我们聚集在一起,反思我们的过去,梦想我们的未来, I am filled with hope and excitement for the boundless possibilities–knowing that we are worthy of special endeavors.

感谢你们赋予我领导这所杰出学府的崇高荣誉. 我坚定地致力于为太阳2平台服务, 我期待着与你们每一位携手合作,实现我们的共同愿景.

在一起, 让我们以乐观的态度迎接这一旅程, 勇气, 决心和对卓越的共同奉献.

在一起, let us continue propelling innovation as we push the frontiers of knowledge and inspire future generations of thinkers and leaders.
